We had the honor and pleasure of hosting a visit with James
Magnuson, author, television writer, and Director of the Michener Center for
Writers at UT Austin. We had read Magnuson's newest book, Famous Writers I Have Known, and some of us had read other books
Magnuson has previously written. We enjoyed reading Famous Writers I Have Known! The book was funny, with quirky
characters and a fast pace that started on the first page and continued to
surprise us and make us smile and laugh. Our discussion tended to touch on the
book occasionally but mostly focused on James Magnuson's career, his interactions
with the legendary James Michener, and the Master of Fine Arts in Writing
program at the Michener Center for Writers.
Magnuson told us how he got his big break when he was 28
years old and broke. He met a religion professor from Princeton University who
nominated him for a position at Princeton for promising but unknown writers.
Magnuson sent in an application and got the job. He wrote a play while at
Princeton the first year and stayed at Princeton for 5 years, writing more
Janice asked Magnuson the question I think we all were
wanting to ask: about his career in television script writing. Magnuson told us that one of his friends from Columbia
University became in charge of Knots
Landing and asked Magnuson to help with the writing. Magnuson, totally
unfamiliar with the show, saw some pictures from Knots Landing in a copy of People
Magazine on the plane to Los Angeles. He then wrote scripts for the show
for a year. Magnuson was told he was 1 of the 3 best 1-hour script writers in
Hollywood. His friend was fired, but the new boss thought Magnuson was the best
writer and asked him to stay. All the other writers were fired.
Magnuson continued writing books.
Pam mentioned that she had noticed that Magnuson had
published a book approximately every 8-10 years and that each book had a
different publisher. This double question was a powerful one for Magnuson. He
became nostalgic for a moment. He remembered that he had published every 2-3
years when he was young, accumulating 9 novels, 12 plays, and 20 hours of
television scripts. Back to the present, he seemed glad to announce that his
next book is on the way, making the most recent gap between books a short one.
As to publishers, which apparently are fickle, he told us that the young
people, even the new MFA graduates from his program, command higher bids on
their work than older writers. This seems counter-intuitive to a reader, but it
makes sense looking at the world from a media/business point of view.
James Magnuson met James Michener in Texas, when Michener
was writing Texas. Magnuson was teaching writing at UT Austin, and Michener sat in on
some classes. The famous author donated $2 million to the UT MFA program and
soon after that another $18 million, the biggest creative writing award ever. Not sure at what point in the process, but
the program was named after Michener, now the Michener Center. Michener published 10 books while he was aged
80-90 years. It unusual and amazing to think of Michener being so productive at
those ages! Magnuson told us a few details about Michener; he said the older
writer was generous but enjoyed a bargain when he had a chance. Magnuson said
that Michener had great ideas and was credited with bringing in 60% of Random
House profits for some years. Yet Michener wasn’t taken seriously by the
critics, who didn’t like those big books. At this, Dennis mentioned that he liked
Michener's early novels but noticed that they got worse and were poorly edited.
Magnuson mentioned that for all historical those pages Michener published, he
did have researchers but not writers.
I asked Mr. Magnuson whether the character, Rex, in Famous Writers I Have Known, was based
on Michener; and Magnuson said the character was indeed based on Michener. He
said that during the last 5 years of Michener's life, people were vying for his
money. Michener reminded Magnuson of his father, growing up during the
depression. Magnuson did make some creative changes with Rex; he mentioned that
there was no Ramona, no cook, no rivalry with Salinger, and no feud, but there
were battles with Mailer and Buckley. So you can draw your own conclusions as
to what James Michener was like as an elderly man.
The Writers' Workshop at the Michener Center now accepts 12
among 1200 applicants and gives a $27,000 fellowship. The students have been
successfully published. The Center website has a page listing the books
students have published: Michener Center
Student Books. The Yellow Birds,
by Kevin Powers, has made a big splash, and Benedict Cumberbatch is starring in
a movie based on the book, for 2016 release. Jake Silverstein, who studied
nonfiction for his MFA at the Michener Center and was editor-in-chief of Texas Monthly magazine, is now the
editor-in-chief of the New York Times Magazine. Philipp Meyer was a Pulitzer
Prize finalist last year for his book, The
Son. Student F.T. Kola is currently
on the short list of 5 contenders for the Caine Prize for African Writing, with
a book called A Party for the Colonel.
The list of honors won by students of the Michener Center is also easily
accessible at the website.
Linda asked another tough question. She asked what the true
benefits of the writer's workshop are, in that the classics were written
without the benefits of writers' workshops. Magnuson seemed to have considered
this, as he had a several-part answer ready. He said that he is glad the UT
program has become famous and popular, so that it can be as selective as it is
and avoid selling classes to any untalented writers or setting up any
untalented writers for later disappointment. With 250 writing
programs now
available across the country, Magnuson indicated that there are probably many
students who will probably not be able to pay for their education directly from
a writing career.
Then Linda asked what Magnuson thinks is the best way for a
writer to be educated. The simple answer was: reading! Magnuson made an analogy
between a writer reading and a musician listening to music. He said his
students tend to be avid and intense readers. As an example, he told us he suggested
that a student from Montana who had been a carpenter should read Anna Karenina,
and the student read the book immediately.
Pam asked Magnuson to list his favorite books and authors.
Was there going to be a Frankie Abandonado moment? Of course not! Magnuson
quickly listed Ian McEwan and his Atonement;
The Good Soldier, by Ford Maddox Ford;
Parade’s End, by Thomas Hardy;
Trollope as an author; Don Quixote;
the Russian authors, perhaps Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and particularly the book The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail
Bulgakov; Edith Wharton; Larry Wright; Stephen Harrigan; Sarah Bird; and Dennis
Johnson. An inspiring list for any of us!
The final question was from Pam, who had read 3 of
Magnuson's books before our meeting and thus earned the right to the last
question! She asked Magnuson to tell us which author(s) he feels he should be
compared to. Thanks to James Magnuson for making us feel comfortable enough
with him to ask the questions we had on our minds, and for answering them
candidly! Magnuson likened his books to those of Peter Carey and, since we had told
him we will be discussing one of his favorite authors, Ian McEwan, next month,
he mentioned that he liked to grab the reader on the first page as McEwan does.
Magnuson told us what his new novel is about: the early life of a famous legend,
whose name I don't feel right disclosing. The rest of what was said at the RRNN
Book Discussion Group stays at the RRNN Book Discussion Group. But I'll bet Magnuson's
upcoming book will catch the reader on the first page!