Round Rock New Neighbors is a social organization of women welcoming women in the Round Rock area since 1978. Both "new" and "old" neighbors are welcome. For more information: [Barnes & Noble requires that RRNN's book club be open to the public, so you do not need to be an RRNN member to attend book club, and both men and women are welcome and do attend. ]
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Saturday, August 23, 2003

In Sunlight In a Beautiful Garden

We sat out of the sunlight in the ever-wonderful (climate-controlled) Barnes & Noble and discussed In Sunlight In a Beautiful Garden, by Kathleen Cambor. I had nominated this book because I thought it would be good for discussion, and it was! We had someone who thought the characters weren't developed and someone who thought they were well-developed. We had a few who enjoyed the book and found it compelling and some who found it tedious or couldn't get into it at all. We had some who came to the meeting and hadn't read the book, and some who didn't come to the meeting who had read the book!

The history was interesting! As the nominator and presenter, I did some Internet research and found some historical and current photos. I enjoyed that a lot - I'll have them with me at book group, so please ask me if you want to see them. Or Google "johnstown flood museum" and you'll find a bunch.

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