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Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Human Stain, by Philip Roth - Won't Try a Pun on This One!

Our discussion of The Human Stain was well attended, with several new readers joining us! Katy presented the book in a unique manner. She first suggested we think about the big-picture question of why Coleman made the choice to live as a white man. Then she took us through the plot step-by-step, asking discussion questions but not focusing on the plot so much as on the characters and the ways they affected each other. And, in the end, it all explained a lot of reasons why Coleman made his choice. Thank you, Katy! It was evident that this book was an excellent choice for discussion. Endless potential topics for discussion seem to arise from it! The discussion helped some of us to enjoy the book more.

We saw two good movies lately I thought I’d mention! One was “The Human Stain.” Very interesting rendition. It’s always interesting to see the movie after reading the book. I loved Anthony Hopkins! Nicole Kidman did a great job of being Faunia Farley – I thought she was definitely the character…painful person that Faunia was!

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