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Monday, December 29, 2008

Travels with Charley

Hi fellow readers, Having just returned from a family trip to Colorado so that I could spend time with the kids in a location that they liked, I thought that reading a book about travels was timely.
I am looking forward to getting together with everyone for our discussion in January. Hope everyone is enjoying the book. I read this book a long time ago and I certainly have a different point of view this reading and there are lots of incidents that I don't remember.
See you all in the new year.

1 comment:

Atrox said...

It is interesting, now that I am reading this book, that I have started to observe people in public differently, as though I am going to describe them to you. I am reading Ward's How to Be Lost at the same time, and curiously, the protagonist in each is just about to go to Montana. -- dennis