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Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am Claudia.

Starting Travels With Charley. How John Steinbeck brings you right in, sits you right down, and makes you feel like staying! I found my old book, the copy I read when I was a young teenager. It is very literally rabbit-eared, as our pet rabbit, Slippers, who we had in the 90s used to eat paper and had chewed a rim around the back cover and a few slices of some of the pages! I was too young to have written notes in the margins - one doesn't generally start that until college, or at least I didn't. The learning of the prohibition of crayoning all over books was still not far behind me when I last read this book. Looking forward to the revisit.

1 comment:

Please list your name in your post! said...

It's an enjoyable book even if it's kind of dated. He sure gets lost easily. He needs a woman to navigate. Cindy T.