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Friday, March 20, 2009

Good Books That I Won't Nominate

This placeholder is for books that you like, but that you feel are inappropriate for nomination; too specialized, too strange, too kinky, too expensive or hard to get, or for any other reason. Just add a reference for the book in a comment!


Atrox said...

The Road to Reality, by Roger Penrose. Its subtitle is A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. (Nobody can accuse Penrose of shyness.) He discusses many aspects of physics, from the behavior of the tiniest subparticles to cosmology and the structure and history of the universe. Even though there are some mathematical chapters that are slow going, anyone who took one or two college-level science courses should be able to gain lots of insight from the book (though I expect to take several years to complete it).

Atrox said...

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ClaudiaH said...

Anything by Neil Gaimon...currently Coraline. Gaimon is quirky. His books differ from each other a lot. Coraline is in theaters now in 3D. It's a children's story, but the 3D makes it a pleasure for everyone. It's a good story and a beautiful movie. I always loved 3D movies. There are several of them in the works for mainstream theaters now. I have a copy of the book Coraline that belongs to my daughter. I will probably look around in it to see how it relates to the movie. The movie is so visual, it's hard to imagine the book.

ClaudiaH said...

At the meeting, Patty S. suggested 2 books she has enjoyed recently. (1) The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Biggest Texas Oil Fortunes, by Byron Burrough and (2) The Guernsey Literary Society & Potato Peeling Club, by Mary Ann Shaffer. These 2 books are as different from each other as any 2 can be!