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Saturday, May 23, 2015

I just finished our July book Not Between Brothers - Texas Rising on History Channel starts Mem Day

I just finished our July book Not Between Brothers and have spent the last 15 minutes online trying to figure out exactly what days and times "Texas Rising" (based on the book) will be on The History Channel. I see it on Monday and Tuesday nights 8-10pm Central but good luck figuring it out after that.  Appalling fact - they changed the character names!! Apparently Remy is James in the TV version and Kills White Bear is BILLY.  At least Sam Houston is still Sam Houston :).


ClaudiaH said...

Thanks, Pam! I hope you'll be able to watch. I need to do some editing but hope to see it eventually.

Pam Fuchs said...

So I tried to watch it Sunday night but after an hour gave up. It started somewhere in the middle of the book where it got very "history/technical-ish" and was apparently just going to focus on the factual aspects, not engaging us with any fictional characters. Disappointing.