Round Rock New Neighbors is a social organization of women welcoming women in the Round Rock area since 1978. Both "new" and "old" neighbors are welcome. For more information: [Barnes & Noble requires that RRNN's book club be open to the public, so you do not need to be an RRNN member to attend book club, and both men and women are welcome and do attend. ]
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Team of Rivals

I really enjoyed the Lincoln book, but I wish more people had shown up for the meeting. A few other comments: Nevada Barr was the author I was trying to think of, and Flashback is her novel set on the Dry Tortugas National Park (read her books in the order she wrote them, for maximum enjoyment). Sandy's shoes were really cute (did everyone notice?). The Nabokov books (Ada) are on our endcap, ready for purchase. The Ishiguro books (Never Let Me Go) are on order. And I hope Frank gets well soon. --Dennis

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