Round Rock New Neighbors is a social organization of women welcoming women in the Round Rock area since 1978. Both "new" and "old" neighbors are welcome. For more information: [Barnes & Noble requires that RRNN's book club be open to the public, so you do not need to be an RRNN member to attend book club, and both men and women are welcome and do attend. ]
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LOCAL LITERARY EVENTS: Joyce sends 2 San Gabriel Writers' League events at Georgetown Public Library: (1) Georgetown Public Library March 3rd, 6:00 PM Hear the stories and personal journeys of three new female authors: A former Catholic nun, a genocide survivor, and a retired manager and director in the corporate and non-profit sectors - all telling their stories.
(2) On March 6th at 6:30 p.m., the San Gabriel Writers' League will have Amanda Skenendore as a guest speaker. She is an award-winning author of historical fiction and a registered nurse. Her books have been translated into multiple languages and garnered accolades from the American Library Association, Reader’s Digest, Silicon Valley Reads, and Apple Books. In 2024, she was awarded the Nevada Arts Council Literary Fellowship. Her writing explores lesser-known corners of history and often includes themes of medicine, justice, and belonging. She is speaking on how to write historical fiction. Please contact Joyce ( if you would like to attend as her guest.

Texas Book Festival and BookPeople are excited to welcome Lawrence Wright in conversation with Rebecca McInroy to celebrate the release of Wright’s new book, The Human Scale. πŸ—“️ Tuesday, March 11, 2025 ⏰ 7 PM πŸ“ BookPeople, 603 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78703 πŸ”— Free with RSVP, with books for sale thanks to BookPeople. πŸ’« A portion of all sales will be donated to TBF for Day of Sales.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

And the Letters Rolled in…Dear Edward,

We discussed Dear Edward, by Ann Napolitano, over Zoom. We went through some of the questions quickly, doubling back sometimes. One question particularly got our attention. It was an all-angles-covered discussion. I noticed it during the actual discussion, but maybe that’s because I have an ear for Zoom and the recordings I sometimes use to compose a blog post. I decided to focus on this one discussion question. Here’s the best I could do to transcribe it, with a few edits to make it as readable as possible:

The question, (#15) was, “Do you think John and Lacey were right to keep all the letters from Edward?  How do you determine when someone is ready to bear such a huge emotional weight?

Joanne: I think they were right, and…

Interruption by words of agreement and dissent.

Joanne: I guess you have to wait until they reach the age of majority, when they’re 18. I think they (John and Lacey, really just John for the rest of this discussion) were perfectly right!

Carol: At 12 years, Edward was pretty young to deal with all those letters.

Pam: Joyce, I want to know what you think.

Joyce: I thought they maybe could do some filtering. It seems to me that in the description, the letters weren’t opened, so John didn’t even know what they said. I guess, if he was trying to protect Edward, he could have been looking at the letters and maybe deciding that there were some that, in whatever way, would be helpful for Edward to hear; something like a letter just telling him that he was blessed and that the sender was happy he had survived or whatever, versus the letters that put a burden of something to do on Edward.

Joanne: Can you imagine having to read all of them? If John had to read all the letters, that would have been very emotional for him. For anyone, really.

Carol: I think John just kept them because he was going to deal with Edward later, because he did keep them all. I think his intention was to give them to Edward later, because Edward was too young.

Carla: Yes!

Joyce: Whether that was the right thing to do…I’m saying, I think there was a better way to handle it, which was to decide which ones Edward may have been ready for. If John was reading the letters to find some samples to show Edward; I think he’d get that feedback; you know, if this was the kind of letter that I’ll share with Edward because I think it will be helpful to him. If a letter didn’t work for Edward, then John would have some information to make better decisions about handling other ones. Though I understand there was an influx of mail at the beginning that, understandably, tapered off over time, it seems to me that saving hundreds of letters and stuffing them unsealed into a duffel bag with a padlock was not really responding to the situation. Oh! Final point: a copout on John’s part!

Carol: I don’t know; I disagree!

Joanne: We have to understand…I think John was going through a trauma himself!

Carol: Of course!

Pam: Well, with his wife.

Joanne: Yes, and losing a baby and the whole situation!

Joyce: And then, Joanne, that becomes a different question. Was John protecting himself, or was he trying to protect Edward? We started with the idea that this was the way he was trying to protect Edward. That’s different than if he was doing something to protect himself.

Joanne: I think you’re right but…

Carol: I think he was trying to protect Edward, because he thought Edward was too young to deal with it.

Joanne. I don’t think John was very secure, either.

Carol: You know, it’s against the law to open a letter that isn’t addressed to you.

Pam: Carol, that’s what I thought. I thought John did not open the letters because they were not addressed to him.

Carla: Yes! He didn’t!

Joanne: I never thought that!

Carol: I did!

Shirl: I wonder…if it’s an underaged child, doesn’t that change that rule?

Carla: Yes! I do think that changes things. Edward was definitely underage, so I was surprised that John didn’t even open the letters. There were some, especially the ones that the children wrote, or the mother wrote, asking for Edward to write to the children…

Carol: But, if John didn’t open any of the letters, how would he know which ones were those kinds of letters?

Joanne: Exactly!

Carol: He was saving all the letters for when Edward got older.

Carla: Exactly! That’s exactly what he was doing!

Joyce: There was the letter with a 7-million-dollar check in it.


Carol: That would have been gone!

Joyce: I’m sorry; I’m perseverating on this. Just think; if you had in your possession hundreds of letters. That you’d stuff them in a duffel bag and put them under your bed!  That’s not how you handle hundreds of pieces of information!

Carla: Well, we heard about the FedEx driver who dumped a truckload of stuff down a hill, in Alabama or wherever it was.

Joanne: What was John doing in the shed? Collecting a lot of information, but why?

Shirl: Edward was in 7th grade, so I’d think his uncle could say something to him, when he had reviewed some letters, like Joyce said, giving Edward the option, “Do you want to hear what somebody said?”

Carol: I still think John should not have been opening things that were not addressed to him. I think he did the right thing.

Carla: I open junk mail that’s addressed to both of us, all the time.

Carol: But that’s your family, who you live with.

Joanne: Wasn’t John part of the family?

Carla: Exactly! It’s questionable, but …

Cindy: If there had been a threatening letter…

Joanne: Well what was John doing in the shed? Writing up information about every single person on the flight? He was using a database.

Shirl: You mean the uncle?

Joanne: yes

Shirl: The uncle was escaping to his shed.

Joanne: In the shed, he had a lot of files. He had a lot about the individuals on the flight, and all the data about the crash…

Joyce: He was a mathematician. He couldn’t help himself!

Pam: Things inside the house were less than good, so he was escaping out there. His wife was pretty much a basket case.

Thanks to Carol for this read and a focused batch of questions, and thanks to everyone for the discussion I I didn't have to write any original words!

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