Round Rock New Neighbors is a social organization of women welcoming women in the Round Rock area since 1978. Both "new" and "old" neighbors are welcome. For more information: [Barnes & Noble requires that RRNN's book club be open to the public, so you do not need to be an RRNN member to attend book club, and both men and women are welcome and do attend. ]
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sleep Toward Heaven

I just finished Amanda Eyre Ward's debut novel, Sleep Toward Heaven. I thought I'd read that first, before Forgive Me. It was just wonderful, and I highly recommend it to all of you. I'm looking forward to having this local author meet with us so we can discuss her writing. Love Stories in This Town (her collection of short stories) will be released in April 2009. I'm anxious to see what her short fiction is like.


Atrox said...

I now have finished How to Be Lost, and thoroughly enjoyed that as well. I hope Ward comes to our meeting in February. --dennis

ClaudiaH said...

I'm having trouble deciding which Ward book to start with! They all look good...