We found Where’d You
Go, Bernadette, by Maria Semple, fun to read, satirical, and a fairly
in-depth character study of a creative and somewhat lost main character. Pam
brought a list of thoughtful, thought-provoking questions, and we stayed mostly
on topic. I’ll go over a few of the questions and responses here:
Question: What in the story was a surprise?
Janice was surprised by the Russian scam.
Linda was surprised that Audrey was redeemed. She enjoyed
hating Audrey during the first part of the book and had to switch gears.
Jay was surprised by the author’s portrayal of the Canadians, and her satire of the Canadian attitude of equality. An elite person here would be equal to a bum there. Being special makes you get squashed down to everyone else’s level. Some of this makes the stereotyped Canadian too friendly and cheerful.
Jay was impressed by author’s knowledge of architects and her mention of Art Forum magazine, which is obscure and scholarly. It was clear that Semple researched this book carefully.
Question: Were you surprised by Elgie: the depth that he
shared in letter and/ or his emotions?
Linda was surprised at his having an affair and that there was
a child. Janice wanted the pregnancy to be false. I also wanted it to
go away.
Pat was surprised at how Bee thought of Elgie on the ship, like a woman
with a lot of stuff on his night table.
Patty was surprised about the Microsoft bashing. She was
also surprised that the places in the book were real places.
Seattle Shared
Patty’s daughter-in-law went to Lakeside school. It was
nicknamed “the Cadillac school. Patty’s son lives in a big beautiful craftsman
house. The neighborhood of Craftsman homes in the story exists. And, the blackberries
are a very invasive plant that is out of control. Patty saw blackberries covering
an apple orchard.
Carla’s son lives in an old Craftsman house in Seattle. Although the author says the buildings in
Seattle are just thrown together and block views, Carla said the public library
in Seattle is amazing!
Jan K. felt that the author expressed being offended by the Craftsman
houses. Jan’s son is in Oregon and there are many similar houses there. Jan
suggested that since the Craftsman homes are all similar to each other, maybe author
Semple was satirizing them as exemplifying a lack of creativity.
Pam said the stereotype is that every woman in Seattle has
long or short grey hair, ie, the natural look without hair coloring to cover
the grey.
Marla noted that the satire on Seattle reminded her of the
TV show, Portlandia, which satirizes Portland, OR and is available on Netflix
and is laugh-out-loud funny (Claudia’s opinion – one of the most consistently
laugh-producing shows ever).
Of Seattle
and Antarctica
Patty said that there is a permanent exhibit at the University
of Washington in Seattle about Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition. Thus, this
could be a connection to the author researching Antarctica and using it in the
I (Claudia) brought
some selected passages from my daughter’s emails from a college experience on a
research vessel in Antarctica. (Thanks to Artemis Harbert for allowing this.) I
thought it was interesting how closely the author’s descriptions of Antarctica
and the activities in the story in Antarctica matched what my daughter
experienced. I guess there is a limited array of activities and ways to do
things in Antarctica. I hope everyone found the emails interesting. Maybe some
in the group will be inspired to cruise down there. Tourists do speak well of
(For more information on Drake's Passage, just Google it.)
(For more information on Drake's Passage, just Google it.)
Insights & Themes
Patty read the book twice. She picked up a theme of St.
Bernadette and the 18 Miracles and felt that the book was organized
Patty also said she tried to categorize the novel. What kind of
novel? She couldn’t find a standard category but did notice a lot of
exaggeration. She suggested a theme of exaggeration.
Pam noticed a theme of hills: blackberries on the hill,
sliding into Audrey’s yard, and Dr. Kurtz from Madrona Hill.
Pam thought that Bernadette was destroyed when her beloved home
was destroyed and that she became depressed and agoraphobic after that. This
explained why she needed the Indian assistant. I thought the assistant was satire,
using exaggeration to make the assistant theme funny, at least at first, before
the assistant’s true identity was exposed.
Janice thought that a psychiatric diagnosis for Bernadette as
having functional bipolar disorder was exemplified by her throwing herself into
things she was enthusiastic about. Also, there were funny aspects to Bernadette’s
aberrated behavior, such as when she put the dirty dishes in the drawer for the
maid. Janice suggested that medication
could stifle some of the behavior but that Bernadette realistically
needs a therapist and would need one back at home regardless of any satisfaction
from building in Antarctica.
Pam had another psychological insight; that Bernadette might
have been different if it hadn’t been for the miscarriages, Bee’s illness, and
other problems that gave her a slow start in Seattle.
Marla saw Bernadette, Elgie, and Bee’s current house as
symbol for Bernadette. Moving the pots for rain, putting a cloth in was like
her quieting her own demons. The house problems were never fixed, as Bernadette
couldn’t be fixed. Elgie tolerated the idiosyncrasies of the house, because if
he wanted to fix things, he would have had to “make them a problem.”
Dennis thought the book was just meant to be entertaining.
Marla noticed that the title of the book was significant. She
said that a person disappears when they marry, move, etc. When one finds oneself
after that, one is somewhat new and restructured. Bernadette was going
through a lot of these kinds of changes, to become a new person.
Pam said the author’s theme was, “Do what you need to do to
not lose your essence.” Bernadette was an artist and needed to be an artist. Marla
added that one defines oneself by how one feels, not what one does. The two can
be tied together.
Patty said she had thought about why Antarctica was used in
the story, and that it was as place for Bernadette to find herself. Carla agreed,
saying it was a tool, a place where Bernadette
could get out of her routine, find herself, and not remain static. Janice added that the trip cuts out
everything in their lives except the cold and each other. Cindy T noted that
this was helpful to Bee, too, as she was also at end of her rope after all that
had happened in the book.
About the Author
Pam told us some facts about the Maria Semple's work. She
published a novel, This One is Mine in
2008, and Where’d You Go, Bernadette in
2012. Her television script-writing credits include Beverly Hills, 90210; Mad
About You; Saturday Night Live; Arrested Development; Suddenly
Susan and Ellen.
She appeared in the film I Heart
Huckabees. Annapurna Pictures and Color
Force acquired the rights to the film adaptation of the Where’d You Go Bernadette in January
2013. Semple is not writing the screenplay but will be an Executive Producer. Richard
Linklater is in talks to direct. If you learn anything about this movie,
please tell the Book Club!
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